Achieving our goals protecting the planet with no effects on the environment

Sustainability is the key to innovation

IDD continues to change… for this reason we must move forward embracing sustainable choices for our company. We fully think that we must take care of our planet and its resources.

Our commitment aims to be daily and perseverant: it begins from the small habits and care for the environment of our employees, it regards the selection of innovative and sustainable raw materials for the realization of our products and ends with the collaboration with fair partners that share our same allegiance and values.

Our products and services get in step with the times and they must reflect the values of the new generation, with a particular consideration for the Gen z. 

Environment Social Governance

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance – which are the three factors that measure the level of sustainability in the world of business.
The environmental factor is about the environmental commitment of the companies, for example being aware of the climate change looking for real solutions.
The social factor regards the relationships between employees, suppliers and partners in the workplace. Governance concerns a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.


Transparency, together with sustainability, digitization, innovation and traceability, is one of the keywords of IDD mindset. Therefore we decide to certificate our ESG level through Synesgy , a platform which measures the environmental, social and governance impact of companies, banks and insurance companies.

ESG Certification 202208011549-IDD