Merry Christmas 2022 – IDD – INDUSTRIA DEL DESIGN

By computer.ced 2 anni ago

Sustainability, awareness and circularity for us and for the planet. This Christmas, Massimo Giussani, our Creative Director, has created an artwork, named “The Sleeping Tree”, a horizontal and sustainable tree, made with wood cuttings of shapes and leather samples as well as recycling of old Christmas decorations and various old furnishings.


The “Sleeping Tree” is unique and, as such, its virtual version can become an NFT.

Said and done! We have created a Limited Edition of 99 pieces of the virtual version of the artwork.


We are now ready to face 2023, the year in which the projects set up in 2022 will be implemented in the direction of digitization and Web 3.0. Words like blockchain, NFT and Metaverse have become our vocabulary and will enrich the business model, the organizational process and our work.

Phygital, (i.e. the mix of the physical and virtual), will represent our new challenge.


IDD wishes you a Merry Christmas and a successful 2023!


  Blockchain, Events, Innovation, Metaverse, NFT, Places, Sustainability
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